Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thirsty Thursday - La Croix Flavored Water

I love having a glass of red wine or champagne after a productive day to celebrate!  Unfortunately I would like to have that more than my personal plan allows.  I am always on the look out for something healthy that still gives me that celebratory feeling.  I have finally found a solution to my problem - La Croix sparkling flavored water.

I have tried many other flavored waters and never cared for the flavor.  I came across this in Whole Foods on my recent visit and since it was on sale decide, why not!  I chose the berry flavor and absolutely love it.

Pour it in a wine glass with some ice and it has the fizzle and feel of a glass of champagne with zero calories, carbs, salt or sugar.  It also does not have artificial sweetener which I love!

The next time you feel like celebrating and it is not your on plan day to do so, give La Croix a try.  You will be glad you did!

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