Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Super Bowl Pizza - Sassy Style

I love Super Bowl (mainly because of the commercials) and always have!  It is such a festive time to be with your family and friends.  One downfall is all the unhealthy snacks out there!  If that is your planned cheat meal, more power to you!  But if not, I like to take some of my favorite foods and add a little sass to them to end up with a healthier version!

My absolute favorite Super Bowl food is pizza!  Just by changing a few ingredients, you can create a much healthier version.  Change your crust to whole wheat (check for added sugar in the ingredient list.)  There are several pre-made crusts out there that do not have added sugar, and these are the ones you want.  You can find them at wal-mart and target.  No need to run to whole foods, unless you just want to.

Next, check your sauce for added sugar.  If it is in there, select a different brand.  Even if it is a brand you normally buy (for me it was market pantry at target) they do change the ingredients as I learned this week!  That has been my go to for a long time and sadly, it is no longer.

Thirdly, opt for some reduced fat cheese instead of full fat.  It tastes just as good, I promise!

Last but not least, if you are a meat lover, try ground turkey as a substitute for ground beef.  It is awesome and so much healthier for you!

You will be pleasantly surprised at how great your sassy pizza tastes.  My whole family loves it when I make pizza and actually, this is the only version my 14 year old will eat!

Happy and healthy Super Bowl!

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