Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Clean Eating & Reading Labels

Reading labels is one of the most important things, in my opinion, to get in the habit of doing on your clean eating journey.  We look at certain items, like lunch meat or spices, and assume there is no hidden sugar for instance only to discover we are very wrong.  Reading labels will help you discover these ingredients and make healthier choices.

When looking for "clean" foods, some people look at the number of ingredients.  Although at times this may be a good indication of whether or not something is "clean" it could in theory be incorrect if all of the ingredients are clean and unprocessed.  Unlikely I agree.

There are other theories to only buy things that have ingredients in them that you would purchase separately.  Salsa for instance - tomatoes, onions, jalapeños, etc.  That is a great practice but I fear if you are just beginning on your journey this may totally overwhelm you.

What I do and I believe is a good starting point, is to search for hidden sugar.  If the salsa had sugar as an ingredient for instance, I would have passed on it and looked for a brand that did not have sugar.  In sugar I mean anything sweet other than stevia, coconut sugar or honey.  Those are the only options I allow in my ingredients and I prefer stevia and coconut sugar over honey as they are both lower on the glycemic index.

Looking for sugar will become a part time job for you.  It has taken me years and I still make mistakes as the manufacturers change ingredients.  For example I have bought the same pasta sauce for years.  I noticed this month that it now contains sugar.  I have since opted to make my own.  I do the same with salsa, dressings and anything else I can.  I recommend the same to you whenever possible.

Remember one thing:  this is a journey.  It is a marathon, not a sprint.  As you run out of things, replace them with healthier versions.  This will keep implanting clean eating from being so overwhelming to you.

Need help getting started?  Check my website for some downloadables and nutrition coaching:

Cheers to clean eating!

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