Saturday, April 23, 2016

Mindset - What A Difference it Makes!

I have a lot of people ask me about this "clean eating thing."  People who have tried everything, every "diet" and exercise program around.  The missing link, at least for me, was a change in mindset.  Clean eating/living is not a "diet" or some new fad.  It has been around for a very long time.  It is a lifestyle and part of being successful is having that mindset.  It is not temporary.  It is not a quick fix. It is a way of living.

Does it happen overnight?  Not even close.  It takes a lot of trial and error.  A lot of reading.  A lot of learning.  But when you have the mindset that you are in it for the long haul, those little glitches and little errors don't derail you. You learn from them. When you are "dieting"for example, its temporary. You tell yourself that you just have X amount of time to get through it and you do your best to follow the plan to perfection, or you just throw in the towel.  This is not like that.  It is an effort, day in and day out.  One "clean" meal won't change your life, and one "treat" meal won't either.  A rule of thumb I like to use is to be on plan 100%, 80% of the time.  That leaves you the 20% to indulge in your favorite meal, drink, whatever.

Leading a clean lifestyle isn't just about eating either.  It is about exercise and getting your body moving and taking care of yourself emotionally.  Setting aside time for you to get a manicure, a massage, read a good book, whatever soothes your soul.  It's a long term plan.  Is it always easy?  No it isn't.  Do I sincerely believe it is absolutely worth it?  Without question.

I can tell you that since I have been injured I have been a little more off plan than usual.  The meds make me sick at my stomach a lot of the time and things I have always loved to eat do not sound good to me now.  Unfortunately, as always, tacos sound amazing! :)  It is a process.  If I eat a taco, I enjoy it and I go on because I know that cutting out that taco did not get me to where I am and eating one won't ruin me either.

Mindset.  It is absolutely the key to success!  Cheers to an amazing weekend.

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