Saturday, September 24, 2016

Finding Balance & Complete Wellness

Balance. A word we all talk about and strive for but don't always find.  Over the past 6 months I have had plenty of time to contemplate my healthy living journey.  When I fell in love with fitness and clean eating, I fell totally in love. Loved the way I felt, loved the way I looked, loved everything.

I continually took it to the next level through diet and my workouts. At one point I was in the gym twice a day 4-5 days a week, and once a day every other day. I consistently deleted options from my meal plan. I ate chicken and spinach mainly. Passed on that amazing glass of wine the majority of the time.  Still somehow I never felt like I was quite there. I basically lived in "competition prep mode" year round. With no intention of ever competing.  I started to lose that love and feeling for my routine. The passion was gone.  I began to struggle. 

I realized I was forgetting the "living" part of the healthy lifestyle. I eased up. I accepted and enjoyed the happy hour invitation. I ate an off plan meal and learned to let go of the guilt and remorse. I learned to live again and live a healthy lifestyle. I still look back at those early pictures and long a bit for that body. But trying to maintain that year round is impractical. 

It's been almost 6 months since I touched a weight. I have realized that I had been slacking on my mental strength and endurance. I've learned to relax. Learned to meditate. Learned to calm my mind. And what I have realized is although I love weight training and will continue that moving forward it will only be a piece of the puzzle for me.  I intend to incorporate yoga into my new routine so that I truly have #completewellness rather than just physical strength. 

Welness is a constantly evolving subject and I truly believe to find that balance you must continually strive to achieve #completewellness which is body, mind and soul. That is the perfect recipe for long term success. Does it all happen in the gym? No! It happens through whatever means work for you. For me it's a happy hour with my sweet hubby. The smell of essential oil diffusing in my home. The daily practice of gratitude. So many things I have learned to enjoy.

I am very much looking forward to being healed and starting on my new plans. I strive for simpler, healthier, better lifestyle. And although I have attended many yoga classes, I want to fully understand and take it to the next level. I would love to hear from any fellow yogis out there with tips and advice. Cheers to the future!

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