Monday, May 30, 2016

Kicking Off Memorial Day With a Yummy Shrimp Boil

don't know about you but one of my favorite ways to kick off a long weekend is with a seafood boil. Unfortunately our last burner bit the dust so we started out our Saturday shopping for a new one! It has been about 10 years since our last burner purchase so the thing we immediately noticed while putting this one together was all of the extra parts that our old one did not have. It seems there are several more legs, supports and protectors to keep it from turning over. It took twice as long to put together and we joked about just how many lawsuits had lead to all of this!! Finally together though, we cooked our feast!

Red Potatoes, onion, corn on the cob, crab legs, shrimp and scallops!  (Put in the pan in that order for even cooking.) Super yummy for sure! 

Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! 

Gym Bag Monday - Post Workout Recovery

In my gym bag this week I am featuring one of my post work out favorites. If any of you have ever followed a Stoppani program you know one of the post work out tricks is 30 gummy bears or pixie sticks.  If you haven't followed one of his programs you may wonder what this is all about. 

In short, during workout you deplete muscle glycogen so one of the first things you want to do post work out is replenish that glycogen with a fast digesting carbohydrate. I used gummy bears for this for quite a while but realized eating candy seemed to mess with my mindset and I felt the need to eat off plan more than usual. This may not happen to everyone but was a problem for me. 

Enter Post Jym fast absorbing carbs. I can achieve the same result by throwing this in my post work out shake but I don't affect my mindset in doing it. Perfect for someone like me. You can check out Stoppani supplements on I love all of them that I have tried. They are clean and actually have all the ingredients listed on the label which is rare! 

Cheers to a fit week! 

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Beauty of a Bath

Something as small as a bath can be self care at its finest!  I have always been a bath person, bubbles, meditation, reading, setting my intentions for the day.  Yet another thing I have now realized I took for granted.  Since my injury, I have had to exclusively shower.  Quite a different experience!  No meditation, reading, nothing! I have sincerely longed for a bubble bath.

Every day I try to do new things, grow stronger, do more.  As of my last doctor's appointment, he told me I could bend, stretch try to move my leg.  My sweet hubby suggested this weekend we set a goal of trying to get me in the tub.  And we succeeded! And by today I was able to get in and out of the tub and bathe alone.  What an amazing feeling that is!  How I have missed that!

Everyone has "self-care" things they do for themselves that set the mood, the tone for the day, help you reset, recharge and regroup.  Maybe it is a facial, pedicure, a massage, getting your nails done or a bath!  (I actually have a couple of things from that list I love.) I realized how necessary doing those special things are now.  So important to savor every minute and do your absolute best not to take them for granted.  If you have not taken care of yourself lately, my post today is just a reminder and encouragement to do just that! Treat yourself!

Cheers to an amazing Monday!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Anxiety - A New Addition to my Recovery

Hello week 5 and what an unexpected surprise you brought with you.  I have been to my doctor twice since the accident.  The first time was 3 days after the accident and honestly I could barely sit up and remember very little.  The second visit, a week later, he removed my soft cast and bandages and replaced it with my brace.  I was very nervous on that visit when the bandages were taken off, actually sweating and shaking.  I knew it was fear of my leg being unprotected and fear of that unbelievable pain coming back.  I could barely lay still from all the shaking I was doing while the brace was being put on. The doctor said I could take the brace off to shower but then it needed to go back on for protection.  Out of complete and total fear, I did not take the brace off.  I just cleaned each section one at a time all month.  I realize now I had no idea the fear and anxiety building inside me.

Last week, five weeks post injury,  was my third visit. I noticed as soon as I got in the exam room I started to sweat. I felt silly but could not get it to stop.  I was taken across the hall to x-ray where my brace needed to be removed.  The brace was removed and my anxiety shot up.  I needed to get into a couple of positions for the x-rays, one a particularly uncomfortable position.  After coming out of the position,  I needed to go right back into it as the image was not clear.  We put my brace back on and I went back to the exam room.

When I got back to the room my anxiety was even higher as was the sweating more excessive.  I could not get "fixed" when I tried to sit down.  My doctor came in and showed me all the x-rays and gave me NOTHING but good news.  He then took the brace off and told me I could try to bend and straighten my knee. It was then I literally froze with absolute terror.  I looked down and saw my leg.  It was misshapen and atrophied and covered in dried skin and I started to feel sick. I tried to get it to move, even a little bit but nothing. The doctor began explaining in great detail about how I needed to try to bend, to try to straighten, to try to start putting the broken leg down but only put 5-10# of weight on it. What? How on earth do I know what 5-10# feels like?? I was beyond overwhelmed and it felt like my head was spinning.

I became more and more overwhelmed and I noticed my hands were ringing wet as were my legs and sticking to the paper on the table. I started to feel almost dizzy on top of the nausea I was already feeling. It felt like I had been sitting there an eternity when we finally put my brace back on.  It was at this point he wanted me to stand and practice putting my foot down. My head felt like it was completely in a cloud and I could not grasp how to put one foot down as he was very patiently explaining to me.  The visit was over shortly after this and I apologized for the dripping hands as I shook his hand as he was leaving.  He was very kind and laughed and said "at least you don't have stinky feet!"

I sat for a minute and told my sweet hubby I needed just a second.  I then started down the hall and made it about one door when it hit me.  I could no longer see and my ears were ringing like crazy.  I said I need to sit down and my hubby grabbed me a chair and got the doctor.  He again was very kind and said this was very common with orthopedic issues and brought me some orange juice.  Another doctor came out as well and started taking my pulse.  I felt beyond silly and embarrassed and had to be wheeled out to the car, which was another disappointment as I pride myself on being able to walk in and walk out, which I have been able to do since the 2nd visit.

When I got outside and the cool air hit me I realized I had just experienced a full blown panic attack.  That was something new for me.  Honestly I just felt exhausted and leveled the rest of the day.  I now know the fear overtook me and I am trying daily to touch my knee and leg and remind myself I am ok and I am getting better to try to overcome the fear I know is there.  I am glad there is 4 weeks until my next appointment so I have some time to work on overcoming this fear and working through this anxious energy I have. The last thing I want is that to  happen again!  Ive been spending extra time in gratitude and have all my crystals and oil going around me (my juju.) For anyone that suffers from anxiety on a regular basis, my heart goes out to you.  Sincerely.

Here is to week 6 and growing my mind as my body rests!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thirsty Thursday - Sassy Berry Mint Champagne Cocktail

Happy Thursday!  Here is a yummy, sassy cocktail to enjoy this summer.

1/4 cup  unsweetened blueberry juice
2 Tbsp.  fresh lime juice
1/4 cup  champagne
1 cup     ice
             blueberries for garnish (fresh or frozen)
             mint for garnish

1. Place lime & blueberry juices, champagne & ice into a large serving glass.  Stir until mixed.
2. Garnish with blueberries & mint and  enjoy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Recovery Update: Hidden Lessons & Treasures Everywhere

I am now over a month into my recovery.  I broke down and ordered the wheel chair my family tried to get me to order 3 weeks ago. I talk about mindset a lot.  It's a funny thing.  The idea of getting a wheel chair seemed crazy to me.  It was like my mind could not/would not accept the 3-4 months recovery time the doctor was projecting.  How could it possibly take that long to heal?  I'm wonder woman!  Or at least I think I am.  Then reality set in and I realized that it really is a convenience item to help me get through this time of healing.  A way for me to do things with my family.  Like attend a dance concert for our daughter. I am grateful to be able to get one to enjoy time with my family!

Week 1 for me was a total mental train wreck.  I was beyond pissed.  I exercised daily.  I ate clean to an extreme.  I was extremely active, I was grateful for my excellent health, I felt like I was doing everything "right" yet there I was with a severe injury.  How could this have possibly happened?? How could it be that I could not drive or do basically anything for myself or my family?  I take extreme pride in caring for and spoiling my family.  Nothing makes me happier.  Sincerely.  Now that was impossible for the next 3-4 months.  My brain just kept focusing on the "why."

Week 2 came along and I decided I wanted to try to do something every day I could not do the day before.  That made me feel a little better.  But yes, I did of course over do it.  I cleaned the kitchen and did 3 loads of laundry and then I paid the price for the next 2 days.  Regrouped.... then I just did the dishes.  That worked.  Thank goodness. Switching roles from the giver to the receiver was not easy, no matter how kind and loving my family was being.

At week 3  I started realizing  many things.  For starters, asking for help has never been my strong suit.  I am fiercely independent and asking for help does not come easily to me.  It now however is NOT an option.  I have had to learn to be vulnerable, learn to ask for help and learn that it is ok and I am blessed to have people to help me and care for me.  A valuable lesson I would not trade for the world.

I never doubted my husband would take excellent care of me.  Never.  I know many people are not in that situation and I am beyond grateful that I am.  But honestly what I didn't know is how far he would go in caring for me.  Day in and day out.  How much time he spends working on things that "steal my peace" like dishes in the sink, dog hair on the floor.  Things that are completely unimportant in the grand scheme of life, especially right now,  but important to me.  And he not only knows that, he takes care of them. Daily. He puts fresh flowers on my food tray every meal.  He does things that I know most men would not do. I feel more loved than ever.  And for that, the trashed leg is so worth it.

Week 4 brought the end of pain pills and the ability to enjoy a glass of wine! Oh how have I missed being able to do that. I've also learned to "walk" down the stairs instead of sliding on my tush! Progress is slow but is steady. My sweet hubby took me on my first outing and turned me loose. How awesome that was! I wheeled myself all through Barnes & Noble and had a great time. Something I know I took for granted being able to do in the past.

I have more blessings than I am able to count.  I have excellent medical care and insurance.  I don't have to worry about getting to the office anymore as I am fortunate enough to work from home.  I have a beautiful new laptop my hubby got to keep me sharing my experiences on.  I have a husband and a family that love me and care for me like a queen.  With all of these treasures, I now feel nothing but absolute gratitude.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Recovery Update - Managing Pain & Those Pesky Little Pain Pills

Pain medication is something I have never really been very big on.   I am quite sensitive to it and honestly do not care for how the pills make me feel.  So it has always been curious to me how people become so attached or even addicted to these meds.  Sincerely.  I always thought they must get a way better feeling from them than I do.  Enter my injury from one month ago today.

I was in the E.R. and did not accept any pain meds for a while.   I have a pretty high pain tolerance so I can push through most things.  The time came for the CT scan and I reconsidered.  Morphine was the choice and my goodness was it a horrible feeling.  My nurse was excellent and she explained how it feels for some people when administered and sure enough that is how it felt for me!  I could feel it going through my whole body and my body almost felt paralyzed as it happened.  DISLIKE was all that was going through my mind.  I asked for something else going forward.

I avoided the pain meds as much as possible but did ask for them a few times.  The nurse told me that she knew if I was asking I really needed them and she "dropped everything" to bring me some relief.  They sent me home with a "small dose" at my request that could be taken every couple of hours because I really didn't want to stay asleep or feel whacked out of my mind.  The first week was pretty much a blur.  My hubby kept notes about what medication I had and when and all I really remember was constantly asking him if it was time for "another pill."  The fear of the pain almost takes on a life of its own and I wanted to avoid it at all cost.

When I went to my first doctor's appointment he switched me to a different medication that he thought I could tolerate better.  As my hubby explained it, I was falling asleep mid sentence and thinking I was reading when I had not even been awake and he thought I neeeded another option.

The new medication was much better.  I was no longer falling asleep and I started managing my own meds.  Once piece of advice I have been given by anyone with an injury I came in contact with was "get off the pain pills as quickly as you can." This sentiment stayed in my mind and so I started titrating off the meds as quickly as I could.  I was down to 2 pain pills a day with Advil in between when it hit me.  I was sitting on the couch one morning and realized I was planning out when I was going to take the next pain pill before I even knew I needed it!  That is when all that advice came rushing back to me and I realized I was letting the fear of the injury and the pain take over.  It was that day I put the pills down and have not had one since.

Do I still hurt?  Absolutely.  Do I sleep as soundly?  No.  I wake up at 3 a.m. like clockwork now unable to get comfortable.  Am I learning to work through it?  Yes I am.  I also carry them with me everywhere I go and tell myself if it gets too bad I can take one.  But I haven't.  I have never experienced a severe injury before.  I have had 2 children and have definitely been in pain with that, but not like this.  My leg is a completely different kind of pain.  A pain I honestly was not prepared for.  But every day I get a little better and every day I learn to manage the pain better.  So what you ask is my message here?  To say "I get it now."  And to  give anyone in this situation the same advice I was given.  "Get off the pain pills as quickly as you can."

Cheers to a fantastic Wednesday!